Intra Trade Africa Products
Why Intra Trade Africa Products​ are the best, Here is what you can accomplish with them​

Intra Trade Africa Products

Hydraulic Cylinders

We offer new and salvage cylinders, hydraulic cylinder tubing, chromed and thermal spray on hydraulic rods, and chrome stock.

Powertrain Components

Salvage and rebuild components like final drives, wheel stations, diffs, axles, brake groups, torque convertors and transmissions with OEM parts or local parts as per customers requirements.

Thermal Spray

Thermal spraying refers to a process that applies a coating

Tungsten Weld

We use a co2 welding process for our Tungsten Hard face welding applications

Chrome plating

The largest chroming tank is 7 meters deep and can plate up to 1m in diameter.

Gemeral  Machining

General Machining & Production CNC Works


Regular powertrain maintenance will benefit the drivers and company in many different ways


Hydraulic Cylinders are used to create force in a single direction through a single stroke in the same direction